Sunday, 2 June 2013

Day 2 - Lots of planes (28000km lol)

We had a two hour stopover in Doha where duty free Alcohol is Cheap! Anne-Marie's blonde locks and low neckline drew a lot of attention. I am personally recommending all the white wines in the Heathrow terminal 5. Arrived in Glasgow with all baggage, enormous success was had. The bike boxes took a beating but the bikes survived unscathed. Built our bikes and rode them all of 10 meters to the Holiday Inn. Anne-Marie is having a lot of trouble with the Scottish accents, nod and smile, nod and smile. Where as I talk too fast and the poor Scottish folks have no idea what I'm on about.

Qatar airways goodies bag.

Cycle box a little worse for wear after 28000km.

All built and ready to sleep, struggling with a 10:30pm sunset.