Friday, 9 August 2013

Day 70 (9/8) - Amsterdam holds nothing back

Amsterdam, of course bikes everywhere and on closer examination it seemed over half had been there for some time. People drinking and smoking pot, the smell was omnipresent. There were shops selling fluro raver clothes, dope seeds and magic mushrooms and women standing in shop windows half or more naked, this city doesn't hold anything back. We did enjoy an excellent coffee made by a kiwi, a cheese tasting with matching wine, a canal ride with a glass of wine and lunch with, you guessed it... There is tons of of art, sculptures and atmosphere, all up an incredible city full of bicycles, design, history and tons of style.
A view up one of the many canals

One of Anne-Marie's fresh muscles

A helping hand, all the sculptures seem to be adorned with a small infestation of children

Anne-Marie earns her tasting certificate after lying to the examiner, saying her scores where out of seven not ten.

Aboard our comfortable canal cruise

Anne-Marie contemplates the view

Smile you're in Amsterdam

More canal shots

Are you sure you want me in a picture here?

DJ Tiesto lays down some phat beats (almost, he's wax)

Feeling bullish

At the condomerie

A relaxing cruise all up