Before departing Fort William, without paying for our B&B, we checked out the ruins of
Castle Lochy which was quite beautiful. We traveled 90km on the A82, a pretty busy road with no shoulder populated by lots of articulated lorries and coachliners. Because of our first meaty headwind and long twisting climbs we held up a lot of traffic quite dramatically. At first we felt bad so pulled over to let them past but quickly realised that the traffic was hardly going faster than our slow arses. At lunch at the lonely Bridge of Orchy Hotel we met some hikers doing the West Highland Way, a famous walk from Glasgow to Fort William over the moorlands and high country. All in all a cold tough day of riding in mildly challenging conditions.
Anne-Marie amongst the ruins. |
Reuben makes a friend. |
A view between two of the three sisters, big arse mountains we climbed up past. |
Reuben showing what a week of full Scottish breakfasts will do for you. PS. Yes that is a bag, mirror and GoPro on my handlebars. |