Sunday, 30 June 2013

Day 30 - 4 countries in one day

Today we both aged about twenty years. Reuben did all the driving as we navigated our way through Switzerland, Germany, Italy and into France. The van so wide, trucks, cars, tolls, mountains, tunnels (including a 17 km monster), hills, speed, all very terrifying for Anne-Marie and nerve wracking for Reuben. We did stop at a lovely, picturesque town in Switzerland for lunch, like something off a crazy postcard, not to mention the best cappuccino we have had on the trip so far. Once we hit Italy the freeways got wider, faster and more confusing, we made a wrong turn and ended up in the sea side city of Genoa. Doing as the Italian's do (when in Rome) we illegally parked the van on a quay and had strange seafood pasta for dinner. Trying to make our way back onto the freeway was an adventure; tiny, skinny, cobbled roads with bare millimeters to spare, trucks and motor bikes coming the other way and some of the busiest peak hour traffic we had ever seen. We made our way to the French/Italian border and slept at a truck stop for the night, 700 km under our belt and 50 euros spent on tollways.

Reuben at the helm of the "whale"

Picturesque Switzerland (excuse the bug on the lens)
The whale parked illegally by the waters edge

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